The Protection of your Values

You may store and protect from loss, theft or robbery whatever items you wish: jewels, documents, cash, precious metals, IT backups etc.

Rent a Safe with Herculis Guardians S.A.

Whatever your nationality or place of residence, you only need to provide an identification document.

Customer can be corporate entities or individuals.

You can give a power of attorney to allow access to your safe to a third party of your choosing.

Individual right or multiple rights to access are possible.

Only illegal or dangerous items are forbidden, such as weapons, ammunition, explosives and drugs.

A60 kg60.8 mm300 mm480 mm500 CHF
B80 kg91.2 mm300 mm480 mm900 CHF
C100 kg152 mm300 mm480 mm1 500 CHF
D120 kg212.8 mm300 mm480 mm2 200 CHF
E120 kg364 mm300 mm480 mm3 000 CHF
F150 kg364 mm600 mm480 mm4 000 CHF

Security - Confidentiality - Simplicity

1 Year

Rent to be paid in advance
for a Swiss resident

2 Years

Rent to be paid in advance for a
non-Swiss resident

200 CHF

Annual fee if the keys are kept by Herculis Guardians S.A.

800 CHF

Up front refundable deposit if keys are kept by the Customer

Unless specified contrary, valuables put in the safe deposit box for custody, are insured up to in the amount of CHF 20 000.00,- per a safe deposit box.

Additional insurance coverage can be bought on a regular basis.